Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have been enjoying Before the Throne from Sojourn Music (http://sojournmusic.com). It is a pleasing mix of styles, all pleasant and fresh. I especially like “I’m coming back,” “Evergreen,” and “Come and sing.”
It is available on iTunes, or you can buy the cd on their website.
What music are you enjoying these days?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Living well

Tonight I talked with several women in their 70s and 80s. One woman talked about how she had always wanted to read the Bible through, and now that she was 84, she thought she should get started. Another talked about how much she was looking forward to reading a particular book that I have wanted to read. Another spoke of how the Lord led her to join our fellowship; one reason she likes it is because our pastor has a global heart.

I want to be like these women if I make it to my 70s and 80s. They are interested in learning more about God and studying His Word, caught up on world events, and involved in various local ministries.
I want to be able to look back at a life well spent.

Psalm 90

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A rose by any other name

My Lady Banks roses are blooming again this year. This is certainly not due to any skill of the gardener! I enjoy being out in the yard, experimenting with various plants and shrubs. Although I cannot smell, I am told that the blooms give off a lovely aroma.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I have two sweet nephews - Matthew, 3, and Michael, 17 months. They are so much fun and so very funny.


The other day I went to the post office to mail a package. I was mailing it to Thailand, so I had to fill out the usual form. While doing that, a man came up in line behind me, so I kindly told him he was welcome to go on in front of me, which he did. As I finished up my form, another man came in. He edged around me and seemed to be planning to go around me as well. I was finished with my form by that point, and I thought, “I hope this man doesn’t think he can cut the line. I am next.”
As I recited my rights to myself, the Lord brought conviction. I was willing to let someone else have preference over me when it was not inconvenient for me, but when I was ready to have my turn, I was not kind. The desire to assert my rights was stronger than my willingness to be a servant.
My heart is so often turned inward, seeking my own comfort and purpose, rather than looking around to see where I could serve. God’s Word is full of reminders of how believers are to be servants, to follow Jesus’ example of serving.
Glimpses into the selfishness of my heart are discouraging, but it is so good to remember that God does that out of His love and kindness!

Friday, April 4, 2008


I have decided to enter the world of blogging.