Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back from Chile

Thanks for remembering me and our team to the Father! We returned from Chile on Sunday, May 25, after a great trip. More about that soon. Your support and encouragement has been much appreciated!

I'm making cookies for "Songs and Sweets," an ESL program. Since it's run by Baptists, we had cookies.

Continue to pray for the people of Santiago!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am leading a trip to Santiago, Chile, Friday, May 16, through Sunday, May 25. Our blog is chicasservinginchile.blogspot.com. Thanks for remembering us to the Father!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Run Bonnie Run

13 miles.
That’s how far a half-marathon is.
That’s how far I will run/walk on Nov 15!
I signed up for a half-marathon. This is a goal that can be achieved only by the grace of the Lord. I am signing up for training sessions with a local organization that will guide me in twice-weekly runs and provide an exercise plan.
Signing up for such an event is certainly uncharacteristic behavior for me. It’s quite a personal challenge. I will be 35 in November, and I thought this would be a good way to mark that. Maybe when I am 70 I will do a full marathon.