Sunday, November 2, 2008

Assorted Thoughts

For the past five years, I have taken a personal retreat in the fall, and last week I went away for a few days. Here are some random thoughts from this time:
· Why do even the smallest towns have a Chinese restaurant? I grew up in a small town, and I remember when a Chinese restaurant came to town. It was viewed with much suspicion in rural southeast Arkansas.
· I saw a sign that said “alpacas for sale.” Has anyone ever spontaneously purchased an alpaca?
· I overheard a man say that the best Greek food he had ever eaten had been in Salt Lake City. Seriously?
· Sitting in the sun, reading a good book, and listening to fiddle music is a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.
· I would like to live in small town again at some point in my life, but I have become used to stores staying open past 5 p.m.
· Maybe when I retire I will live in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Maybe then I won’t need anything after 5 p.m.
· I need a bumper sticker that says “tailgating will not make me drive any faster.”
· Who were the people at the next table who kept saying “charismatic Baptists” very loudly?

At the end of my time away, I attended the first Together For Adoption conference. So good. I’ll write more on that later.