Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Orphan Care Resolution Passed!

The denomination to which I belong approved the orphan care resolution. I am thankful and full of much rejoicing! Now, we must put hands and feet to these words. What is my part? What is your part?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

If a tree falls in the backyard ...

My neighbor's big dead tree fell into my backyard this afternoon. It smashed part of my fence, a chair, wheelbarrow and dented the grill. I am so very thankful that the tree did not hit my house! Over the past few years during storms, I have wondered if that tree would fall. Today, on a sunny still afternoon, it fell.
More photos are on facebook. My sweet friends came by to wring hands and offer sympathy.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Up up and away

I had a fun afternoon at the Flying Circus! I got to go up in a 1941 Waco plane. Lots of sun, blue skies, green fields. This is a pretty state. Maybe photos will be posted soon.