Monday, August 11, 2008


Keeping up a blog is hard work. I can't always think of anything interesting to say. Sometimes, I can think of things, but they aren't thoughts or observations I want to share with the world.
  • I am listening to "Come Weary Saints" from Sovereign Grace Music. Very good. I recommend it.
  • My parents visited last week, and we did a huge amount of yardwork and house maintenance. My mother is very good at planting and planning while my father can fix anything.
  • We ate at a great restaurant - Croaker's Spot. Interesting conversation with the owner about politics and religion. The owner's father was a famous singer in the 1950s and 1960s. He was impressed that my father knew who he was.
  • Half-marathon training is going well. We did eight miles this past Saturday, and the goal is nine for this Saturday. So, I've done a quarter-marathon already.