Saturday, May 3, 2008

Run Bonnie Run

13 miles.
That’s how far a half-marathon is.
That’s how far I will run/walk on Nov 15!
I signed up for a half-marathon. This is a goal that can be achieved only by the grace of the Lord. I am signing up for training sessions with a local organization that will guide me in twice-weekly runs and provide an exercise plan.
Signing up for such an event is certainly uncharacteristic behavior for me. It’s quite a personal challenge. I will be 35 in November, and I thought this would be a good way to mark that. Maybe when I am 70 I will do a full marathon.


Mandy B Stenberg said...

BONZAI . . . . YOU ARE COMING TO IOWA??????????????????????????? I saw Laurel and CJ yesterday and if you were trying to surprise me . . . oh well, they let the cat out of the bag. What day will you actually be in Ames?

Jenny Ortis said...

Bonnie, It's so much fun to do a half! The full is so taxing on your body that you can't enjoy the festivities. But, a half-marathon is really fun. I've done 4 so far and I plan to do 1 every year (except every 5 years when I'll do a full marathon instead). Anyway, if you need any tips, let me know!

Christy said...

Wow Bonnie! Good luck!

Wendy said...

I did my first half this past December and I really liked it. Stick to your training schedule and you'll do awesome!!!!!